Gordon H. Clark
Trade paperback, 366 pages, 2nd ed., 1994 [1971]
For the past 2,000 years, Christians,
to the extent that their thinking has been controlled by revelation, have had
an intense interest in history. The Bible is not only the earliest history book,
it is also the most reliable. But the Bible omits nearly all events in mankind's
past. Is it therefore unreliable or false? Obviously any written history must
be selective. But which criteria should one use in selecting the facts to include?
Historiography is the study of how history has been and ought to be written.
There is no book comparable to Historiography written by another Christian philosopher.
Contents: Foreword; What Is History? Geographical
and Physical Determinism; Statistical Law; Marxism; Positivistic Patterns and
Progress; Objectivity; Moral Judgments in History; Collingwood and Epistemology;
Augustine; The Modern Scene; Karl Barth; Rudolf Bultmann; Alii Alia; Bibliography;
Scripture Index; Index.