Horatius Bonar
Trade paperback, 122 pages, 2nd ed., 1994 [1874]
Please see Not What My Hands Have Done
First Published in 1874, The Everlasting Righteousness may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
Presented here in modern English and spelling, Bonar's classic book is a clear and accurate explanation of the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Since the 17th century, the churches' adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; and in the 21st century, it has all but disappeared.
But to the people of God, justification by faith alone is the best news there ever could be: Christ died for all our sins, and we shall live forever because of his righteousness, not ours.
How Shall a Man Be Just with God?; God's Recognition of Substitution; The Completeness of the Substitution; The Declaration of the Completeness; Righteousness for the Unrighteous; The Righteousness of God Reckoned to Us; Not Faith But Christ; What the Resurrection of the Substitute Has Done; The Pardon and Peace Made Sure; The Holy Life of the
Justified; Scripture Index; Index.
